Record-Setting Biden, In His Way
Recency bias leads those nursing welts thinking present pain must be the most agonizing. Yet many equipped with memories remain aware of what happened five minutes earlier, which shocks liberals who are baffled every time their hideous nonsense harms humanity again. Give it a few years, which will offer the context of realizing their world-healing garbage really was dreadful. Historians who want to wrap up their shifts before lunch don’t have to wait to render a verdict on someone who has failed in every regard. Joe Biden sucks.
Exhibit sophistication in a way a grabby dolt never illustrates by analyzing just how badly he’s performed on individual issues. Biden’s status as contender for the worst president ever is not an outlandishly partisan suggestion or hyperbole exacerbated by experiencing present woe. The agonizing task’s greatest challenge of narrowing an abundance of examples is precisely unlike a list of his accomplishments. Coming up with things that have improved under Biden’s watch is like finding a valuable dollar.
Life is even more treacherous than usual either by design or putzing. Political scientists can explain to unsophisticated voters why their suffering is occurring. The difference may not register.
Which of the two regrettable styles of Democrats is the incumbent? The man who misses hiding in the vice president’s office isn’t really an Obama-style schemer dedicated to tearing down from the inside in order to control decline to his liking. This term is more like fixing a flat tire with duct tape. The inscrutable question is fitting for such a fascinatingly enigmatic president. We may never learn Biden’s favorite cereal mascot. The box featuring the Froot Loops bird is an unobtainable luxury.
Pondering how a prototypical nursing home resident got to be head of state out of millions of American options will only deepen depression. That’s fine with this president, who’s a drug dealer getting customers hooked by making life miserable. I suppose it’s good for business, although it’s not like he owns the government. He certainly wasn’t going to invent his own enterprise.
Please enjoy some corruption to distract from ineptness. There’s no other way to find peace presently, so enjoy what your caring president hands you. Thinking every other rich person is the same is the most irritating assumption made by grifting politicians. The only thing worse than unhinged cynicism is imposing it on everyone else.
Punishing the successful in a way they never do illegal immigrants or legal felons has provided exactly the incentives expected by everyone but White House staffers. As with every other wretched notion joyless nitwits believe, the fact they must impose their ideas never tips them off to their inherent lousiness. Public office-holding embodies such nobility that you shouldn’t ask them to empty their pockets. Biden loves the self-checkout line.
Ruining everything by coercion is as noble as it gets. We’re all to blame, thanks to those who roped in everyone else by law. The type of politicians who dream of control want none of the credit, which sure is selfless of them. Molesters of your rights really believe in collective action. We are truly all in this together.
This nation is blessed to be equipped with a president who tells us how to live. Velcro doesn’t fasten itself, which nobody knows better than Biden. People couldn’t possibly provide child care or know what kind of cars will make it out of sight of the driveway without collective action. Someone else gets to decide what action gets to be collective.
A snotty demand for selflessness based in taking what belongs to others could be deliberately ironic in the right hands, which means it’s not. Your authorities never ponder just why so many people need help under their rule. Commonplace poverty must be the fault of villainous conglomerates who spurred inflation to somehow profit off potential customers not being able to muster up funds.
Being this bad on purpose seems like it’s too tricky for the present temp staffer. The paranoid notion makes sense if you realize who’s filling the chair. A conniving plan to screw up with government in order to save us with more of it may have been engineered by nefarious underlings with IQs higher than room temperature. The executive is out.
Life is surely going well if debate revolves around whether this woeful branch has been attempting to seize your choices as strategy or just does so in response to whatever they wrecked yesterday. The net result is the same if anyone feared the only thing that could cause damage is a pernicious ideology.
Overusing power can only get worse if the stupidest jerk is in charge. It’s not like this White House turned life into a trip to Disney World. It only feels like a Magic Kingdom trip in the modern woke version where visitors spend 783 dollars on lunch in order to endure a lecture about sanctimonious tolerance. Can we just wait in line for Space Mountain?
Democrats finally got the popular vote they wanted. Circumventing states is not the only way they want to ruin the nation. Contempt for being left alone motivates every decision by a White House that we wish couldn’t be bothered.
There can’t possibly be anyone enjoying this. Scheduled monthly praising of pathetic job growth is a fake joy that’s fact-checked back into depression. Russian soldiers and Iranian centrifuge technicians appreciate career opportunities, but they haven’t crossed the border yet.
Perspective makes agonies like this presidency worse. A ceaseless irritation is not going to improve over time, which is fitting in its way. Biden’s ironically shown himself to be an expert over time on not thinking ahead. The lasting contribution will be unintentional, namely perfect example of why abused and overextended authority is limited. Biden makes the case against Biden.