Rights Loathed by the Left

Anthony Bialy
4 min readMar 14, 2022


Reviewing what rights are implies everyone knew at some point. Any freedom-leaning person interested in being left the hell alone needs to establish fundamentals. In the meantime, sophisticated contemporary political observers find it oppressive to be left out on our lonesomes. Our world will only be liberated by ceding control. We will finally be free after we quit the charade of employment. Wait for the dole and freedom.

The good news about rights is we already have them. The Constitution just acknowledges they’re always around. Basic liberties are the one thing that we actually get without earning, which should enthrall fans of endless Treasury checks. It’s not a catch to get something free of charge if we’re never provided with actual items. Accept the conditions to acquire them as a consolation prize, which is much more rewarding than the alleged jackpot. Having to work hard creating value should not be viewed as a downside.

Feel free to take the next step and ask why it’s legal. Good ideas hold up to scrutiny. Questioning authority is confusing to sophisticated modern thinkers who believe legality equals morality. Faith in government leads to concluding forced awful insurance is a moral imperative.

America’s rulebook ticks off those who like inventing mandatory entitlements. Utter authority in every decision belongs to a government whose restrictions they routinely disregard. Please enjoy endless laws from a lawless entity. Brutal autocracies respect tradition.

We’ll reach full humanity when direct deposit kicks in. Someone else providing something for you means it’s not a right, which is so unfair. It’s not melodramatic to note being forced to provide a product is nothing less than slavery, which I thought we opposed in the enlightened year of 2022. The realization of just what a federal promise entails freaks them out like realizing any law may potentially need to be enforced lethally.

Very independent Americans expect to be treated to the latest in housing and insurance to feel whole. Those who think rights involve someone buying you something undoubtedly grasp economics and epidemiology. Scorn for a document that limits federal power while recognizing our basic autonomy is politically hot amongst those who think handouts compensate for life’s inherent meanness. There’s tremendous overlap by sheer coincidence.

There’s nobody to bitch to about after concluding one’s rights are violated by the shoddiness of the allegedly complimentary provided service. Federal agencies do not respond to your tweets. Very professional economists who think lack of competition improves the product were too busy living in the moment to think anything out, which is how they ended up creating dependency with no dependable way to fund all the giveaways they guaranteed.

Shortsighted solutions to compensate for signature programs will finally bring bliss. Practical effects are as harmful as the psychological ones, which constitutes balance. Humans who don’t comprehend human nature are confused about what happens when you don’t have to work for something. To clarify, both recipients and funders quit. Society finally features equality.

The same people who figure the only way to make something cheaper is by having the government reduce prices demand a law that offers the cure. Removing any reason to care is the same strategy that’s been used to fight the virus with lamentably predictable results. A refusal to learn lessons makes every day an adventure of discovery. Retaining the knowledge that Washington only makes life costly would ruin the surprise.

You’ll only screw up choices, claim those who chose government for us. Enablers of reducing options are not going to allow anything like competition. The indignity of having to choose is confiscated on our behalf.

It may surprise those who think AR-15s can shoot lava through time than gun owners don’t dream of shooting intruders. Getting to defend oneself is a reluctant acknowledgment of evil’s existence. Free will is scoffed at by those who have concluded that the existence of weapons is what causes crime. Blaming implements excuses away felons while scorning those who defend themselves in that charmingly topsy-turvy way that liberals embrace.

The very existence of liberty makes life more pleasant. Acknowledging the possibility that letting the virtuous shoot back might prevent gunfire exchange in the first place confuses those who are not big on pondering effects. Improvement in safety by letting possible victims go medieval if necessary is reminiscent of how prices drop if consumers are allowed to take their business elsewhere. Next, you’ll tell me raising taxes brings in less money. Tell me more about this mysterious force you call motivation.

Acknowledging natural rights puts humans first, which surprises those who think attempting to remove worries will create joy. Attempting to eliminate calamities multiplies them. Trying to dictate the future results in silly bits like handing products to Americans deemed too feckless to earn and trade.

A patronizing approach exposes those who are truly useless. Natural rights can’t be revoked, which should thrill anyone who believes created items and work hours are to be provided as an obligation. Not getting an item out of it only seems like a ripoff if you’ve never dealt with the state’s woeful attempts at peddling.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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