Staking Claims
Good wishes are the consolation prize in lieu of money that can buy things. Legalistic claims about Democrats not fulfilling guarantees are too technical. Sure, they’re not making streets safer or groceries cheaper. But they are allowing poor loyal partiers to have a chance at avoiding useful employment. Heed what a dim jury or snotty bureaucrat proclaimed instead of trusting your own contrarian judgment.
The Party of Kamala created the impossible by making Donald Trump sympathetic. Irony is the only item they manufacture. All Democrats want is to be able to claim what they believe regardless of whether or not they’re fair.A label that bears precisely zero connection to reality flaunts commitment to their ideology.
Workers are blessed by all the jobs they’ll create by saying it’s going to happen. They’re taking money from greedy business owners to buy infrastructure, which automatically creates employment. You’re going to win the lottery, so get a Vegas suite now.
Democrats get to call Trump a convicted felon. Sure, they can’t name the crime he committed. But a governmental entity proclaimed such, which means it’s incontrovertible truth. They think the late O.J. Simpson spent three decades being unfairly called a murderer because there was no official label.
You’re awesome as long as you think I am. Those with a rather flexible interpretation of what’s constitutional oscillate between whether the Supreme Court is an undemocratic cabal bought by cruel billionaires out to create a lawless oligarchy or a teacher breaking up a pummeling and blaming the bully’s prey for fighting back. It all depends on if at least five members want to do grant power that’s not its to abuse. Now, that’s principled.
A frenzied dedication to thinking the government claiming something means it occurred is the next-best thing to productivity. Nobody connected to an ideology based around announcing what is going to happen is going to verify. Kindly commie Germans knocked down the Berlin Wall because too many Westerners sick of the lack of protections against life’s vagaries.
Getting statistics to do what they want in a way reality doesn’t is the next-best thing to helping. The labor force participation rate gets worked. Manipulating the percentage is Democrats’ only toil. Getting potential workers so frustrated that they give up looking drops the unemployment rate, which is a terrific sacrifice for one party’s presidents. Selflessly helping Democrats like upstanding American heroes shows a commitment to fighting selfish individual desires.
The very clever technique of not reporting crime isn’t protecting potential victims. Frustration is key to success. Those relied of pocket telephones either don’t bother to claim offenses to cops instructed to take pity upon oppressed robbers. Decreasing felonies by not reporting them is a testament to the power of positive thinking.
Gloating’s nadir comes when they ruin something with success at enacting demented dreams. Calling Obamacare the law meant they got what they wanted, which was bad for your health. Force leading to coercion means effectiveness in the sickest sense. Everyone’s ill, but at least they’re all covered.
Settled science is anything but. A partisan hack wearing a lab coat can’t be wrong, according to those who think treating it as a faith is how to respect laboratory churches. Proclamations from their prophets are as credible as claiming printing more money will finally defeat inflation. Adherents cling to their psalms like how they pretend to think religious people act. Pretending they’re not in a cult constitutes the chief difference. It must be true if they announce it.
Worshiping humans like true science aficionados is common amongst the cults that treats their nasty dinosaurs as adorable elders. Anthony Fauci and Andrew Cuomo should be sharing a panel in the Phantom Zone.
The party remains the home of despicable tyrants who pretended breathing through cloth and forcing bars to serve food with drinks when they were extended the privilege of being allowed to open would save humanity. It turns out autocracy made life even more perilous. Mocking “Muh rights” as they confiscated them while sickening others in every sense is just a slightly more intense variety of their usual platform.
The side that says what they want happened by proclamation is deeply invested in slogans. Liberals think messaging is why policies are successful, which conforms with their belief that they’re obligated to convince rubes to submit to awesome plans for society. The pushy faction could try ideas that work. But that would involve icky autonomy such as letting subjects keep what they earn and defend themselves from attack.
Liberals despise businesses because they think manipulation is the default setting. How else could greedy profiteers get rich: making items people want? That’s impossible, according to people who had to enter politics. It’s cruel advertising making us desire cheeseburgers and vehicles. Imagine walking around with unprecedented projection on the scale of thinking everyone else is a greedy bastard who’d never give voluntarily to charity, either.
It’s all about phrasing, at least if you can’t achieve anything. Bravely announcing they’re for controversial goals like equality and human rights is why Democrats think anyone who opposes them is out to torch orphanages. Heartless enemies opposing love explains why they’re so dedicated to their policies even though they keep screwing up the world. You are against the poor because you think they could get promotions and at least join the middle class. Democrats think it’s impossible because their policies make it so. I really don’t see any way to fix it but saying it happened.