Stated Authority
Questioning those in charge means you’re one of them who’s not one of them. Quit being an insolent enemy of unity without the amiable urge to worship those in charge. What’s your problem, and why aren’t you incarcerated to prevent further subversion?
Sophisticated contemporary political theory finds authority is always right. That’s why they’re in charge, duh. The self-closing loop shuts down insurrectionary doubt before it even begins. Asking whether adulators thought out if they’re worshiping twits with awful notions who happened to be good at sucking up to voters is supremely subversive.
The three branches of government are the C, D, and C. Treating the disease equivalent of the FCC as if the Almighty descended from the Heavens on the Holy Escalator and answered questions about existence using bureaucratic prophets as a conduit is inherently scientific.
Citing a federal agency as the end of the argument complements claiming science is on their side. Please don’t notice a conversion rate that makes the Lions look competent, as accuracy runs counter to progress. Don’t you find trust healthy?
For a company that does the bidding of right-wingers, Facebook sure does slap a lot of disclaimers on doubts that government has stopped the virus like the French military. Runty Twitter staples asterisks to anyone dare questioning whether the anticipated next round of booster shots may not be the thing that ends the endless virus. Fact-checking now means explaining why federal scientists can never get facts wrong. Always start at the conclusions you’d like to have satisfying experiments.
Those supremely confident in their opinions are always citing experts, which are a class of people who agree with you. Figuring anyone with a degree must get everything right is counter to the spirit of education, too. An Oscar surely means the acting was superb.
The government has shown its most consistent track record during the eternal shutdown. It’s not a compliment. Aspiring benevolent tyrants get away with casual diktats because of an alarming percentage of humans who fear decisions as much as they do outcomes. The smugness with with the horde thanks their prophets for confiscating their autonomy in safety’s name.
Your leaders are hassling all the wrong people. The Taliban is in business, unlike countless American businesses. I wish Biden hated the terror proprietors the way he does unvaccinated citizens. Tell the fun-loathing president that the freedom-targeting aspiring mass murderers don’t wear masks to get him to take them on.
War isn’t ended by proclaiming it. The other side gets a say. You should remember to beat them, especially if you’re commander-in-chief of a great and good nation. Being in charge of the military is another task Biden doesn’t want. It falls under the umbrella of presidential tasks the president dodges.
Nervous Americans hope more than anything there won’t be an occasion to remember why America went into Afghanistan in the first place. Staying there isn’t a failure any more than keeping troops stashed around this dumb world indicates anything but our desire to scare supervillains. If the commander-in-chief ordered our military to retreat from the demilitarized zone and North Korean commie psychopaths stormed southward a month later, it doesn’t mean the peninsula’s free part was a propped-up failed state.
Deciding who gets what funding is the ultimate power trip, especially for an entity that trips over power. Certainty in the wise awesomeness of cabinet secretaries whose services you can’t decline eliminates that whole messy business of humans deciding what’s worthwhile, as there’s nothing human about what edicts follow.
Comply by law or the honor system. The same people who can’t stand cops sure love forcing others to obey their orders. Never questioning our appointed royalty displays the sort of trust liberals should place in negotiating.
For decrees from which are ultimate, there sure seem to be quite a few exceptions. Very visionary politicians invent new boundaries of their domains as they go along, whether it be bizarre attempts at solutions to issues or the rules themselves. It’s almost as if the latter were created to keep autocratic buffoons from proclaiming that everyone who wants prosperity and survival must agree by force of the crown.
Those who insist on being wrong again claim they’re being scientific by updating beliefs in the face of new evidence when in fact they’re just getting it wrong again. If your own ideas inflicted costly woe once again, it’s not flexible to try them even more intensely.
Please stop believing. Conceding decisions to a government that continually proves trust is misplaced takes a heroic level of dedication. Putting the state first is like a religion that keeps being wrong about the world. Ceaseless incorrect proclamations about what’s impending just make adherents more devout.
Contempt for the First Amendment isn’t just limited to their authoritarian fantasies about cracking down on blasphemous fiends who notice biology and results. It’s too bad criticizing their incessant failures can’t be deemed treasonous, as noticing the state seizing autonomy is practically and philosophically pernicious is the only thing keeping awful elected morons from dispensing joy.