States’ Wrongs
Liberals hate states like they’re successful businesses. They should at least adore the progressive utopia subdivisions with their vigorous governors and ample elbow room. But the very concept of local rule offends as just another chilling portion of this suspiciously free nation. Some of America’s sections are failing for complying with bossy beliefs if that mitigates their contempt. Let’s put the state in statism.
Federalism means not letting the feds run everything, and the confusion merely adds to fury about humans getting to choose how much they’ll be oppressed. Next, subversive individuals will conclude they possess the option to negotiate prices and wages.
The right to cross a line where the sales tax drops is one of those technical loopholes found in the so-called Constitution. Moving within a country’s borders is used to justify all sorts of subversive liberty and natural rights. You’re free to think Americans should be less free. Thankfully, the grabby can only do so much to make others just as miserable. What do you mean you don’t have to stay in Massachusetts?
Giving potentially dim power-mad governors a chance to access your wallet while reducing your access to retailers doesn’t seem like the easiest way to increase liberty. Adding another layer of annoyance is a less-than-sweet idea if you’re into being left the hell alone. The capital harassing you being closer to home is supposed to offer comfort. Your complaints are ignored much closer.
It’s easier to visit the capital that’s bothering you. Calling something an issue for states presumes there’s a governmental solution, which is a problem. True liberty comes in making more issues free from the domain of pompous dolts so useless that they had to win elections to find work. Finding one with a similar ZIP code to tell you how to live shouldn’t offer comfort.
But at least you can bail. The chief benefit of local political irritation is competition. The availability of options is why liberals despise it. Subjects aren’t supposed to be able to evade glorious commands. Universal compliance is the very obtainable goal. Flimsy schemes only work with mandated participation, and the ease of changing addresses makes imposing perfection challenging. You’ll feel euphoric once you’re bossed around enough.
Shop at any of the 50 locations. Individual domains offering relaxed regulations may either believe in autonomy or know the lower setting will infuriate adjacent tyrants who thought they could get away with legal extortion. But the benefits of vying for residents remain whether they’re out of principle or calculation.
Wise governors don’t charge you for the privilege of being in charge of your own life. You’d think Blue States would offer unparalleled luxury for the percentage they confiscate. Residents knowing they can leave screws up everything. Get back here and get soaked.
Companies that know you can shop elsewhere must be the parasitic problem. Every government takeover is based in the notion that eliminating options creates efficiency. Also, television was way better when there were three choices. Outposts are bound to please customers if you can’t shop elsewhere. Those opposing free will don’t understand anything about life and existence, but other than that they maintain a good grip.
Maybe making everyone subsidize rich urban-dwelling liberals will increase fairness. The persistent Democratic desire to offer tax cuts by allowing federal deductions for state levies passes off lunatic rates. They’re paid by Washington, which you may be aware does not create funds on its own. But they operate all those printing presses!
Lusting to limit humanity is the sickest private tab search. Luckily, fetishists are bad at knots. Their unwilling partners escape their restraints and escape to liberated places. The four biggest states changing rankings shows what’s working a bit too obviously. Texas and Florida offer liberty with better results. It’s all downside otherwise. Meanwhile, New York and California are conducting experiments to see if it’s possible to squander every natural advantage. That’s not the sort of competition that benefits.
The most obvious lessons are the toughest to learn, at least if you’re a particularly devoted follower of a discredited ideology. The direction of the moving truck convoy doesn’t just confuse true believers figuratively. Dashing from East to West Berlin makes the state’s fans confused about geography on top of everything else. Who would hop away from paradise? Ungrateful comrades who had every issue addressed abandoned it for messy freedom where they must find a way to address their own needs daily. Germans sure are freaks.
It’s not as easy as you’d think to get someone to obey your dumb commands. States that realize it’s not their governments that make them delights attract moving customers. The paradox only seems flummoxing to pushy types who still don’t realize this nation’s appeal lies in the fact those in power are supposed to be frustrated.
Those fleeing America’s people’s republics for Galt’s Gulch-style oases just need to leave their voting tendencies behind along with their coffee tables. It’s not politics but lack of them that makes new homes appealing. Good luck with choosing a state income tax over brisket.