Still Sick

Anthony Bialy
4 min readJun 22, 2023


Being correct about the virus took nothing more than disagreeing with liberals. It’s not to boast, but the trend is consistent enough to be considered confirmed. Now, there’s some science.

Reviewing the particulars would’ve worked, as well. But chronicling how a disease ignored barriers placed by superstitious contemporary troglodytes would just show that arrogant twits who smirk at amendments got life as wrong as usual.

Your sicko betters decided we didn’t need trifling things like rights. The only thing worse than relinquishing them for an a red alert was when coercion exacerbated the problem. An emergency was an excuse. Their dream of confiscating autonomy just needs a bit of panic about current events to move it. Aspiring tyrants had to pretend not to enjoy it.

Masks were useful if you count signaling virtue. The whole shielding from spreading an infection worked significantly less effectively. But giving professional preeners a wearable talisman that showed just how much they cared made them feel better, which is way more important than whether both the alleged protection and definite infiltration helped at all. Science’s ironic enemies pretended they couldn’t hear us through face filters.

Tan lines from face cloaks may fade, but the stain remains. A useless talisman allowed those who flaunted wearing them to self-identify as self-important. Frightened cravers of autocracy gave away everything that makes this country what it is all to keep everyone unwell. A contagious illness’s action plan was so crucial that enlightened bullies couldn’t bother with your niceties like checks and balances. Make sure results aren’t awful if you’re keen on circumventing legislatures.

Shutdowns showed politicians continuing the tradition of deciding what was best for you. Was relief forthcoming? The pushy process is merely a bit more indirect now. Turning supplies for making dinner into a fantasy item for lottery winners is an inadvertently perfect representation of alleged help you’re not allowed to decline.

Bitching about the economy like cruel capitalists were keeping infections thriving displays as much ignorance about economics as it does epidemiology. Wondering where Democrats thought things would come from is like trying to figure out why they thought printing money faster would make everyone wealthy. Stuff is distributed by politicians, silly. As for who would produce them and why, we’ll just have to print a little more.

Suspicion especially applies to the Chinese government, a bumbling totalitarian monstrosity that it turns out might be a bit unsavory. Unfortunately in these sensitive times, it’s racist to notice diabolical commies may not have had the best intentions or lab protocol. Hall monitors who silenced dissent claiming it was in opposition to science not only don’t grasp how the process works but were the ones who got facts wrong. I’m sure prolonging sadness by enforcing de facto house arrest for the crime of breathing is the only example of such ironic fascism ever happening.

Presume Washington distributes everything from truth to goods before wondering where everything went. They may not be correct about everything, or anything. Invasive putzes so bad at life that they had to run for office might not be the ultimate arbiters of facts. Wait long enough and everything Democrats foist will be disproven. Ruining society for a couple years so an infection could spread as it wished confirmed the axiom yet again.

We’re not getting our time back, at least according to current scientific theories. They’re in line with how effective breathing through cloth is for halting illness. Another squandered resource makes it like all the other horrible incursions made into our hours on our alleged behalf. The absence remains intangible like money and opportunities never seen because they’re pre-emptively confiscated. But we felt it.

Science is about noticing if coincidences are linked. Take a couple consecutive miserable years that happened to coincide with unfettered political rule where benevolent despots imposed policies for communal health that shut down free markets. The agony was even more acute than under conventional liberal rule. A concentrated dose provided the opposite of a cure.

Victims who warned of useless violations won’t even get an apology, naturally. Why would it be different from the ruling faction getting anything else wrong? Oafish goons who aren’t about to feel contrite about abusing authority might appear weak upon conceding their lust to control humans makes everyone as miserable as them.

Those discredited by existence’s experiment could finally actually show their commitment to the scientific process by responding to clear information. But admitting they were incorrect about every last thing violates their predetermined conclusion.

The precedent of deciding they can decide for everyone else would be threatened by conceding it ruined life from 2020 forward. Our dumb and awful government is framed as a lifesaver by its zealous devotees, which is why we’re at the point where liberty is not even about what you can’t do but rather the few things you can.

Life’s most perilous location was a New York nursing home. The worst sort of cult didn’t even serve refreshments. Jim Jones was a piker compared to Anthony Fauci. Worshiping the epitome of false prophets while claiming they believed in science should constitute heresy. Such a sin would be blasphemers’ nicest offense.

Scoffing at people who couldn’t get haircuts while posturing that the economy was not more important than life created the worst of all worlds. Fear connoisseurs made everyone ill and broke to prove it.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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