Story Sobs
Making people cry is a Democratic specialty. They’re not as good at it when they try. Sob stories beat considering outcomes. Don’t you care about feelings? The stubborn refusal to calmly notice consequences is brought you by the same people who thought names like the Inflation Reduction Act and Affordable Care Act would actualize their concepts. Empathy junkies can’t rely on something as tricky as results.
Condemnation of foes gets quite screechy. The selective basis of allegedly caring is even more irksome for those who turn vicious while oh so fairly categorizing issues they oppose. Sneer stories about those suffering the onerous burdens of their regrettable policies indicates faking, which is only the start of trauma.
Pirates seizing booty at will claim they’re only packing treasure chests to buy formula for babies with parrots on their shoulders. Contemporary land-based marauders are not charming rapscallions like Johnny Depp led us to believe. That’s surely the only time Disney warped reality.
Wholly compassionate liberals sure do express a lot of concern for criminals. Police and an ambulance arrive infinitely faster than sympathy. Victims will have to wait way longer than they will for assistance in thwarting attackers. The former can afford cash bail after seizing wallets from the latter, but they don’t have to endure the dignity of posting it.
Criminal coconspirators defend muggers by bringing up starving families desiring a bit of bread. Poor societal victims can barely swipe protein. Never mind that people can’t afford extravagances like carbohydrates thanks to Joe Biden thinking taking money from the successful while printing extra will make everyone rich. The rather active process of seizing what belongs to others may harm those liberals refuse to classify as victims. It’s not the first time they refuse to acknowledge proper definitions.
Jail is not fun. It’s true! Even if you’ve not caused enough mayhem to visit one personally, our capacity for understanding the experiences of others indicates physical containment would be unpleasant. And it’s tough to get respectable employment after learning to do time as opposed to letting the time do you. But I wonder if there’s a reason inmates arrived there that doesn’t involve the capricious cruelty of randomly assigning a percentage of particularly unlucky humans there. Apologists for convicts never share any sympathy for those who’ve suffered from their transgressions.
Ripping off lenders is a less violent but just as shameless crime. Rousing the force of government is necessary for those who don’t trust humans to help each other through trade or charity. It’s no coincidence those who adore wielding quasi-legal power to plunder oppose the Second Amendment.
Underwhelming college diploma-holders who took loans can’t pay them, and naturally taxpayers are to blame. Borrowing in the first place seems to be the start of the whole cause and effect thing. Anyone truly ticked about the repayment of exorbitant amounts should notice tuition became even more expensive than gasoline when Washington started throwing cash at colleges. Class warfare guerrilla fighters who think all CEOs are criminals sure don’t seem to care about an innately predatory government.
Meanwhile, the eternal liberal obsession with confiscating income isn’t going to stop at something trifling like death. Sneering at families passing down what’s earned is how to show the government is the eternal boss. Spending a lifetime working to improve life for descendants must be punished.
Pushy tax policy concludes that passing along success leads to loafing to the point where they can use federal power preemptively. Working hard so children can have a good start gets politicians out of deciding who benefits, which is simply unacceptable. What next: will there be a policy that doesn’t treat children as federal assets?
At least kids ripped off by the government got to be born. When it comes to weeping justification versus fuming demonization, abortion combines both. Liberals suddenly love efficiency. Debtors are not mature enough to pay for a degree but adult enough to decide which babies don’t get to win the living lottery.
Tales of woe somehow don’t get applied to those who haven’t yet gotten the chance to emerge. Disregarding that the overwhelming percentage of abortions are for retroactive birth control is crucial to the effort to complain that men just want to boss around the nicer gender. Mansplaining that there’s a life in question is for chauvinist brutes.
Be an ally via trying to score by bragging about how cool it is that women control their bodies. Abortion definitely exerts control over the bodies growing within. The most pious of the political don’t shed tears for those particularly innocent sufferers.
Don’t you care about not helping others? Guilting people into vaccines they have noticed are less effective than a flu shot is the most prominent longterm symptom of replying to the virus. It’s even more worrying than shortness of breath. A whole shutdown based on shaming everyone into thinking they presented imminent peril to everyone else shattered society while not stopping the spread. But it succeeded other than that. Noticing masks don’t work embodies cruelty.
Making everyone feel bad is the end result no matter the form of lousy portrayal. Democrats need some form of emotional manipulation in order to make their case on any issue, which you’d think might offer a sign.
The sadness of those who they deem oppressed or fury at those they haven’t successfully been able to do so defines their efforts. Fiction fans refuse to tell honest narratives. Subtractors of value act like successful entrepreneurs are exploitative as they give themselves extra counterproductive work.