Subjugating With Kindness

Anthony Bialy
4 min readJul 15, 2021


Telling other people they’re oppressed is easier if one contributes to said oppression. Munchausen by proxy is a popular disorder amongst those trying to self-fulfill a prophecy. Professional grievance-mongers look for any example they can of why life is awful before wondering why they’re miserable. To cope, they end up trying to make others feel the same. That’s one way to share a communal burden.

Nobody knows racism like white liberals, which is why they inform minorities how awful their lives are. It’s totally not patronizing how they black people as needing special treatment and protection. Telling anyone darker than Joe Biden that life is destined to feature doom ensures it’ll happen.

You’ll be poor and bothered forever, claim those who truly respect you. There’s no way to advance economically, which is why the kindly government offers a pittance as an apology for all these powerful rednecks. We must also put voters on the honor system because very respectful protectors of the underprivileged decided blacks are unable to obtain identification.

Tell someone that life is set up so they fail to show you care. The sole way to make the supremely miserable outlook worse is doing so based on complexion. Acting as if those they allegedly help can’t get ahead sure is tolerant.

Subsidizing subsistence will surely allow for growth. Policies that encourage poverty ensure liberals have victims about which to care. Why else would they provide perverse incentive to not get ahead? They certainly can’t think their policies actually assist. True racism is easily paired with not learning how economics works.

True equality warriors want to smash barriers by toppling them on everyone. Trying to drag down the entirety entails restricting freedom of interaction and earning. Heavy federal intervention harms everyone, and not merely the wealthy demons they claim prey upon the underprivileged by profiting off selling things consumers want. Now, that’s equality.

Those who say you hate everyone different must think being historically oppressed is a good precedent. That’s why they attempt to inflict agony in the present. Why else would they still be doing it? Democrats haven’t been this intent on proclaiming blacks are unable to advance since they went to war to keep owning slaves.

True tolerance takes the form of letting everyone find a way to be valuable. Seeking purpose is how to show bigots what dolts they are for excluding by complexion. Markets benefit all yet again. There’s even more room for blacks to get ahead thanks to liberals crimping them with alleged aid.

There was racism back then, note those who seek it as a profession now. We’re constantly told about the diabolical beginning of this country from people who really seem invested in learning history. They’re so focused that they never learned what a compromise is, which is clear in every one of their delightfully stringent proposals. This is the evil nation that counted slaves as three-fifths of a person, and only contemporary plantation owners would point out doing so actually limited the South’s power. Sure, America fought a rather bloody war a rather long time ago in order to end the ghastly practice. But as anyone married can tell you, holding indefinite grudges totally spurs happiness.

Gently explaining just what bigots we are is the path to tolerance. Progressives announce there’s no racial progress in America about every decade. It’s a phase from which they never grow. Blacks would be murdered by cops even if they could get ahead, so why bother? All hopes are futile anyway because murderous cops get to wear Klan robes under their work uniforms. The Fourth Reich has made it to 2021.

We poor souls are stuck in a country so authoritarian that it prevents emigration. That must be the only reason professional wokesters never leave. Exploiting its liberties sure is comfortable to the point that they can tear down the grotesque prejudiced contraption from the inside. Never working didn’t harm it enough.

You’d would think cops getting away with murdering minorities daily might motivate hopping the border. I’m not telling professional agitators and all-star race-baiters to leave: I’m just encouraging passive activists to find a country that doesn’t enable the endless wretched list of grievances that have allegedly made their ostensibly cushy lives into torture sessions.

Nobody could like this awful place with natural rights and limited state interference. They can flee being asked how they enforce endless restrictions without policing power. A government they believe is inherently evil should be in charge of everything.

Real racists think society is rigged. Condescending bigotry is far more insidious. Claiming bias is omnipresent both subtly and blatantly is conveniently unverifiable. They’re so committed to it they don’t realize it. As with everything else, practitioners pretend they’re helping despite results. Like their ghastly statist initiatives, those allegedly being aided beg to be left alone. It’s not racist to despise the condescending.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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