Take Sides Elsewhere
Bias in action is the core output of one industry that should grind to a halt. Prosperity would increase. Blatantly lying about the worst sort of conduct is how reporters dedicate themselves to truth. Guardians of information tacitly align with Jew-hating lunatics whose response to marauders beheading any members of one particular religion they could find is to call for Israel not to exist. You may notice a pattern.
Blather about occupation gets more than equal time. The legitimately aggrieved party is not targeting civilians, unlike the demons they target. If you want to know what Israel will be accused of doing, check what Hamas is actually doing.
Don’t start a war. They’re bad for items and people. And those assaulted might return the favor. Righteousness is the key difference for anyone confused about cheering. The best advice for avoiding civilian casualties is to not annihilate civilians. Report that.
Somehow, the press gets more shameless. New stories ask if Israel does enough for safety without noting where they’re aiming. Oh, and very responsible broadcasters also leave out why the nation that lost numerous citizens for the crime of attending a music festival is responding in the first place.
The news is the place for fantasies. Imaginary sob stories about who could be harmed if the prey fights back are the most shameful way to shame. Copy and paste a paragraph noting collateral damage has been a component of every single conflict ever, including righteous ones.
Nuking Nagasaki for fun is our darkest moment. Woke maniacs who don’t understand cause and effect think Harry Truman was just one of countless American presidents who should’ve been arrested for war crimes. Disregarders or active cheerers of diabolical mayhem claim they resisted during the Fourth Reich that was the Trump administration. Meanwhile, honorary Axis members would’ve condemned D-Day as an unnecessary escalation even if they enjoyed making others ration.
Taping asterisks to terror onslaughts is not the best way to achieve objectivity. Liberal hacks who claim some stories only have one side mean pretending civilization is rendering Earth uninhabitable. Attacking Charlie Hebdo got worse in the worst possible way when excusers of murdering artists accused them of putting of hate speech in their doodles. Similarly, blaming cartoonists in Texas because of the religious figure they chose to draw was no way to defend the West, which was the point. And asking why terrorists would hate America so much that they’d use planes as missiles was the all-time example that’s merely the most notorious moment of lame massacre justification leftists wish you’d forget.
The media applies the same tendencies to every situation. Consistency by applying a formula does not necessarily equal super results. Lying about Israel being an oppressive genocide colonizer is even worse than excuses for inflation. Blatancy is so obvious that it looks planted, which means finally discovering the profession’s core mission.
The media is careful to avoid noting which religion has a terror problem. It’s not the one with a functioning republic in the worst neighborhood. Fighting back against barbarians doesn’t count.
Terror allies marching in support of their favorite team is shockingly normal. Every Arafat-inspired rampager currently wreaking havoc on city streets and campuses just like their heroes would claim to oppose Nazis, by which they mean Ron DeSantis.
Praise for those demanding destruction is limited to liberalism’s pet causes. Hamas Fan Club meetings might seem rather strident in their demands for that one Jewish entity to no longer be. But Israel’s been mean about removing those trying to exterminate it, so there’s your balance.
Covering gatherings is about what’s not shown. Hiding gets trickier with social media, which shows not only what correspondents refuse to cover but how the job can be done in the free time of people with worthwhile careers. Very disinterested observers noted Black Lives Matter conflagrations were mostly peaceful aside from the flaming cities. You may not be surprised to realize secret and open PLO admirers think America is a racist hellhole.
The same professional protesters uncannily also claim the country where they live sits on occupied land. They never vacate, of course. To very fair reporters on the scene, the important part is that nobody demands a flat tax.
The middle ground isn’t worth sharing with people who want you dead. Treating the two-state solution as some sort of presumed necessary compromise only seems fair if you’re not checking if one Super Bowl participant slaughtered babies. No super important anchors seem willing to inquire why the actually tolerant country should have to cede some of the land that’s either always been its property or that it won in previous wars from intruders to an invented group that elected Hamas.
It’s sort of a bad sign when it takes lying about a cause to make it appealing. That’s coincidentally the only shot Joe Biden has at holding the title of president into his late 80s. There’s totally not an invading army of uninvited American guests just because it seems to be happening, and if there were they would only be here to take advantage of job opportunities created by a booming economy and not the generosity of Democratic politicians with funds seized from productive people with valid paperwork. Everything’s terrific despite what you notice, which is practice for acting like terror victim Israel is the terrorist.
The media shares truth about themselves by lying regarding everything else. It’s easy for journalists to do their jobs, which is the field’s appeal. Participants major in the easy college choice so they don’t have to spend full shifts doing math. Their dedication to inserting their own deluded views means they’d selflessly rather spend extra hours making up tales of how they’re true than cover reality and head to Applebee’s for dollar margaritas a few hours early. The only thing more mortifying than pretending a war on civilization has two valid factions is siding with pillagers.