Taking Liberties
This place will be super once all the things that make it what it is are demolished before the rubble is shot into the Sun. An increase in solar power intensity will merely offer a side benefit. The present White House likes America except for the American things. A curious notion is far less confusing upon accepting the pompous stooges’ fundamental contempt for liberty. As for why Joe Biden would want to be president of a place he loathes, winning an office beats getting a job.
It doesn’t seem like a cool thing for this place’s top elected official to oppose everything we find neat about being here. The person who is president according to the Constitution’s terms would have an easier time listing the Bill of Rights amendments he likes. Presently, remembering how zippers work is strenuous enough. How can they go both up and down?
You’re being given a hard time for your benefit, which is why you’re not permitted to bitch. Natural autocrats are doing everything they can to harass citizens who committed the crime of being born here or immigrating. You may be shocked to learn none of of their capricious restrictions help, which means those imposing them are either utter failures on policy or utter successes if their nefarious goal was to reign over humans no matter the results. Debate which is more appealing.
Ordinary folks who notice everything bad is happening presently would like to avoid the news, but alleged federal solutions presently cause updates to invade daily life. Democrats believe everything is political and confirm their core tenet by making everything people want harder to get. Tedious regulations offer a nice break from price spikes.
The next round of spinning plates will allow us to finally relax. New America’s planners dole out handouts to compensate for previous handouts making us poorer. As with all liberal programs, failure resulted from not going far enough thanks to restrictions by cruel freedom-mongers, so doubling down totally won’t make life twice as worse. We’re supposed to be concerned for each other and the future. Meanwhile, we’re mortgaging tomorrow to be broke today.
Some people are not cut out for investing to the point they try to sink investments. Every market sway causes panic to those who can’t wait a week for markets to rebound. It must be nightmarish to endure a marriage with someone who demands divorce in response to every crisis.
Our world contains nefarious people who want to use devices to harm us, so we better each get two of them first. Fire with double fists for freedom. Purchasing the guns we please isn’t just a fun way to stimulate one industry: we can take down the crime business as well. Such purchases show how we don’t let evildoers define which rights we get. Trying to make ammunition too expensive via inflation is one way to impose attempted control.
Recognizing that owning guns is inherent to freedom and merriment is the precise way to keep human demons from infringing upon joy. Shooting is just the start of our fun. Calling for a gun on most hips is the opposite of shrugging off carnage. The best way to counter lurking maliciousness is to frighten preying dastards into thinking they might get a bullet instead of a wallet.
We sadly have countless examples of where gun bans only ban responsible gun owners. Irony is supposed to teach how to avoid future ruing. Gun crime thrives in the rare American areas where guns are explicitly prohibited. Fiends have uncanny aim.
Health is guaranteed to get worse if you guarantee that everything’s cured. Letting us take care of ourselves is the opposite of cruel. Nobody’s better equipped to know what’s wrong. Self-interest makes the whole healthier just like Democrats want. They remain unhappy when their goal is achieved by trying the opposite of their oh so inspirational policies.
Addressing repairs needed to individuals is not an offense against dignity any more than having to buy enough food for each day is mean. Biden has made acquiring sufficient energy for both vehicles and humans a challenge if you’re still presuming governmental action is necessarily compassionate.
Seeing what happens when our worries are allegedly ameliorated makes us embrace the unknown. It would be adorable that people think government could protect us from life’s worries if the practical effects weren’t presently dooming us to far deeper fears. Causing agonies that aspiring autocrats supposedly eliminate is one way to learn how to dodge pain next time.
Relearning the same lessons isn’t thrilling for those stuck in the same class. Remedial review at least provides a status check for everyone in the class. There are better ways to keep life fresh. Try Horsey Sauce instead of Arby’s Sauce one of these dinners instead of once again finding out that federal intervention leaves recipients broke and broken.
Those whose solution to imaginary problems is always more government also sincerely believe they’re more sophisticated than freedom fetishists. Their level of correctness remains constant. We’re apparently only supposed to respect our ancestors if they didn’t believe in natural rights. As for dwellers in the present, they honor the work of those who came before them by graciously condemning the country they won’t leave that’s provided uncommon opportunities.
America’s internal enemies can only get worse by causing ailments. Naturally, saboteurs don’t disappoint. Government’s biggest fans are actually moaning about their policies when they issue wholesale dismissal of our great and good nation. Crime, poverty, and sickness spike whenever liberals get what they wish. They sure hate the results of their policies. At last, there’s common ground.