The Next Misstep
Please avoid spoilers if you’ve been paying attention. Averting eyes from ads won’t help one go in fresh. Pushy dreamers of what tomorrow should be like never think out what’s next, which makes projections a bit tricky to achieve. Why ruin the surprise? Each day is an unknown present to be opened for those who don’t concern themselves with noticing patterns.
Guns are scary. You don’t even have to ask a liberal, as they’ll announce their belief to you as surely as they’ll reveal they’re vegan. Hating human progress isn’t just limited to automation that cuts costs or products that reduce labor costs. Modern Luddites also think technology makes gunpowder even more menacing. Modern arrogance is still permitted, which is part of making the Constitution an a la carte. Announce present shooting machines aren’t protected by the Second Amendment while enjoying First Amendment protections sharing thoughts projected through the ether using space beams.
Sickos should keep fantasies private. Instead, gun-fearing liberals love providing pornographic detail of just how much damage they can inflict. Voyeurs never bother to fire one. The fact they’re powerful is precisely why those who behave get access automatically. You’d think Democrats who are terrified of guns might do something to stop crime. They think they are by demonizing implements.
Unwitting criminal perpetrators refuse to even comprehend that the virtuous might be the ones pointing them. Meanwhile, they dream of cops only being armed with whistles. The sophisticated law enforcement analyst believes the IRS needs an arsenal.
Free people don’t need to justify what they want. Democrats either don’t understand or never believed. Deciding which is better isn’t as fun of a game as advertised. Demanding permission forms signed by a paternal government is just a wholesale misunderstanding of humanity. That’s only one thing, so I suppose it’d be easy to cross off the checklist.
The economy somehow never seems to run smoothly when politicians decide how transactions should unfold. Tough times following financial infringement are the one predictable outcome. Economics should always be this reassuring.
All that money buys lots of nothing. If you’re unwilling to accept conventional tradeoffs, you’ll be forced to take ironically cruel ones. Eternal compensators will pirate more cash from earners who certainly will keep working as hard. Bills turned into change is a magic trick without a secret.
Nothing embodies greed like making enough to justify keeping a commercial outpost open. Passing cost increases down the line is the the least shocking result from the most onerous financial impositions. Customers get ripped off no matter how direct the tax. We really are all in this together.
It’s not yet against the law to prohibit passing along expenses imposed by politicians onto customers, but Democrats will get to that notion next. Seeing how true reactionaries lurch to compensate for their last failures is as predictable crime increasing when cops are treated as villains.
Imposers of governmental plundering presume contemporary robber barons will just take the new excises from their vaults and joyfully cast the coins on to Treasury acquisition carriages. As a result of a cruel workaround involving staying in business, shortsighted goons seek to dispatch roving bands of tax compliance officers armed with pillowcases full of doorknobs to ensure compliance. You should be for our collective good, comrade.
Coping with 2020 near 2023’s end is a heck of a long-term symptom. Semipermanent trauma is surely a sign that government’s careful planning turned out beneficially. Sick humans are plagued with the permanent illness, which was deciding you weren’t allowed to do human things. Virus restrictions embody being told what to do for your own good, if good means bad in this Bizarro Run-DMC world.
The is a cure for the lingering effects of autocracy and depression. But it involves autonomy, which the government hasn’t approved. Keep waiting for the ultimate arbiter of what’s good for you to let you have decisions. Does everyone seem happy? Also, shut up. Boarding up everyone inside didn’t halt the disease, but deluding themselves into thinking they’d keep you safe was merely a secondary goal for primary violators of basic liberties.
A plan for everything will definitely work this time, as we’ve gotten all the dumb rotten failing ones out of the way. People weren’t figuring out things between themselves or anything. The best case is not implementing their agenda. Ineffectiveness is welcome depending on the schemer. Being spared from governmental horrors is the best case if voters keep selecting awful twits to boss them around. People who never do anything tell people who do everything what to do.