The Right to Keep and Bear F-15s
Joe Biden wants to scare you. It’s not by making money so worthless that you can’t afford unavailable items, at least this time. The intended destruction is only theoretical. That’s for now. A casual assurance that it’d be a breeze to crush foes of totalitarianism is his way of creating unity.
The executive who threatens you says to stop threatening the government. Your puny weaponry would be futile against the Godzilla government, according to the rather cranky monster’s handlers. Biden’s maniacally risible announcement that “And for those brave right-wing Americans who say it’s all about keeping America independent and safe. If you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something a little more than a gun” isn’t quite Lincolnesque. Calling for malice toward all fails to inspire, but at least his words are inelegant.
Biden acts exactly like a president who doesn’t even ponder accountability. You may be unsurprised to learn crime is spiking like it’s inflation. A robber bragging about getting away with it is the only way to make crimes more outrageous. Looting the Treasury is easy when you’re also the security guard. By the time a putzing Robin Hood’s intended beneficiaries realize the money he’s tossing about is worthless, he’ll be lounging on a beach in the Caribbean sipping from a coconut. I wish luck to the person tasked with explaining to him that the tops need to be cut off first.
Fine: I’ll take an F-15 if that’ll repulse tyranny. Is it like playing Top Gun for the original Nintendo? The sequel brought the franchise back into the news at just the right time. I know an F-14 is one lower, but maybe it’s not much different than driving a fancier car. The pedals are presumably in the same place. I eventually even got okay at landing on the aircraft carrier. As always, Biden didn’t realize what he suggested.
Saying there’s no way to fight back against the side with fighter planes on the anniversary of the incumbent’s cravenly disastrous Afghanistan retreat is why chef’s kisses were invented. The only thing worse than a despot is an inept one. Biden’s sole contribution is showing why tremendous power is ineffective if wielded by mortifying oafs.
The commander-in-chief is a bumbling tactician. I’m also shocked the world’s as chaotic as the economy. The ghastly idiocy of his philosophical argument distracts from the ghastly idiocy of his practical one. Critics not knowing what to correct first has always been Biden’s best chance at a defense.
The notion that the side with guns can’t stop the side with tanks is as smug as it is obtuse. It almost feels uneasy to note obvious flaws in such a preposterous claim about both freedoms and strategy. But Democrats seem to enjoy handing out easy chances to reply, and who are we to deny their generosity?
The side that hates guns doesn’t grasp how they’re used, if you can believe it. Balance fearful misunderstanding of loud shooties with their refusal to realize portions of the military would join the struggle against any wannabe tinpot dictator who wants to expand Banana Republic beyond the mall.
The very possibility of the populace reaching a tipping point against governmental violators Charles Branson-style contains leftists who are only able to seize a portion of the rights and money they crave. Creating incentives they never pondered is their brand.
We must ban weapons of war, which by the way are useless in war. Scoffing at rebellion is not the time when gun control fetishists will start being consistent. And forget noting that the decent have every right to arm themselves against the wicked on every level. How could the government be muggers? They’re the ones who decide who’s a criminal.
An insurrection’s worthiness is not a matter of winning or losing. The emperor’s power status in the aftermath will indeed be noted. But the effort is what’s crucial. Biden thinks Rocky won at the first movie’s end.
The possibility of an upset is why we bother with any honorable effort. It’s not like this very country was founded by defeating the globe’s most ominous military force or anything. Those sick of Imperial coercion took down the Death Star with X-wings if those who don’t care much for history but think Star Wars is a documentary need an example.
Insubordinate hoary white dudes who polished muskets with their wigs could have never understood that people deserve to not be bothered. Why would you want to rebel, you rattlesnake flag-waving ingrate? Loving politicians provide you with everything, and all you can do is whine that unearned money sure doesn’t seem to buy much.
Federal cultists conflate America with its government in what’s only the broadest of their countless errors. This place is great and good precisely because citizens are allowed to exercise judgment without getting hassled by authorities who think they know better. I can think of one rather prominent example.
America’s president doesn’t grasp rights, of course. The fact that statement is so obvious is proof on its own on why not to trust anyone holding any office. In this case, Biden specifically serves as the most egregious perpetrator. He’s finally at the top.
Those who sadly think prosperity is bestowed from a benevolent capital hate everything about how our country is constructed. What kind of founders limit themselves? Those geezer fools had a chance to rule without rules and blew it. Their adherence to principles led to a republic instead of a rather bossy kleptocracy. Like most useless people, Biden can’t picture productive humans getting rich by creating value instead of plundering.
A politician proclaiming you don’t need a gun is the best reason to get one. Some alleged leaders are only useful for inspiring noble reactions. The American president despises so much about America, including an amendment enabling a way for free people to fight back against nefarious forces whether the brutes want your wallet or liberty.
This entire country is based on the right to fight back, including against the same government. The Bill of Rights keeps Biden in line, which is why he’s always trying to shred it.