Trainee Presidents

Anthony Bialy
4 min readAug 15, 2024


Learn by the next shift that the pan is hot. This is a popular time for scorched fingers. America’s endured first-day idiocy for an entire term from a branch that should’ve had some idea how to run things when they started. It’s tough for liberals to claim they’re openminded when they make the same mistakes constantly. If you think smoking’s a tough bad habit to break, you should try no longer thinking executive orders lower prices.

There’s always some catch. Why can’t money be worth the same no matter how many checks the Treasury sends for idling? Similarly, Joe Biden fans claiming he’s experienced neglect how all that time has been spend doing nothing. Someone born when World War II’s result remained in doubt has accumulated as much useful information as a rotten head of lettuce. It costs 37 dollars.

There’s no practical application even if you risibly make the case that he’s accumulated a great deal of wisdom in what’s a ninth decade. A clueless head of state has spent his life inflicting his unwillingness to heed useful lessons on everyone else. Professional airhead Kamala Harris would keep making the same daily mistakes as the confetti-brained geezer, so continuity can be overrated.

You’d figure mean corporate titans would want potential customers to have all the free funds they’d like. Giving away money only makes us poorer if drinking martinis makes boozehounds thirsty. We simply can’t print it fast enough. Government is incapable of not meeting all our desires, so corporate greed must be to blame for how nobody can afford to drive to spend what used to be a rent payment on paper towels. Their disdain for value is based in useful people gaining a couple bucks.

You selfishly refuse to have more taken from you. It’s like you don’t ever want to be rich. Getting someone else to offer payment sounds like a scam, so stay home and wait for your share.

More debt is always the answer regardless of the question. Anyone who thinks governmental spending spurs good value can’t be enjoying a term where they’re getting every last thing they want. At least they know how everyone else feels. It’s cruel to not seize fortunes to be squandered by doltish vote-buying grifters. America is on the dole.

Doing anything possible to not punish criminals reflects a steadfast commitment to injustice. Principles are not automatically laudable. An ideology committed to ducking personal responsibility naturally embraces felons. Disappearing wallets can’t really surprise them.

It’s the item’s fault. Villainizing implements offers a nice break from demonizing success. Gun control will be effective once they’re able to break enchantment. Biden White House witches serving as Voldemort’s proxies would ask J.K. Rowling for advice on how to destroy horcruxes, but they despise her guts for noting men cannot change into women with a magic spell.

Legalistic twits know why things are prohibited, namely because they’re written down. One particular party enjoys pretending they can warp reality to their will by wording foolish bills in just the right way. Their baffling excursions into control are not just defying the Constitution but more importantly what’s sensible about it. Pondering just why these rules are in place is incomprehensible for those who think something is right because it’s enacted.

Smirking liberals mock religion to overcompensate for how their faith is never rewarded. That’s what you get for believing daft dreck. Federal zealots think a command to grant everyone insurance just took a law. Nice health is simply a matter of politicians being brave enough to stand up to greed. The same ones who break every constitutional aspect they can find believe adding restrictions will save us.

Democrats bizarrely want everyone coming to a country they think oppresses indigent minorities. Come to this country illegally to show contempt for it while contributing less than nothing to respect it.

Math creates endless struggles for a faction that can’t add prices. Every crime committed by an illegal immigrant as at minimum the second. It’s apparently difficult to grasp how country crashers aren’t invited in the first place. There’s deliberate confusion when evaders are classified as undocumented as if there were just some honest paperwork mishap in winning a game of border tag.

The world can only dole out so many examples. Debt prevents endless entitlements, eventually. A pending deadbeat meltdown still might not be enough for a president who’s been in politics for longer than most humans have been alive to grasp that mooching doesn’t make most people wealthy even though it worked for him. Harris’s best case for Biden’s second term is that she’s just as dim.

The fill-in incumbent can’t stop setting bad examples. Harris is continuing the tradition of spending and entire life in government only to never realize it sucks. A little time in an industry that doesn’t involve swindling a percentage would’ve exposed Democratic contenders to productivity. But any marginally cognizant human shouldn’t need outside experience to unearth how everyone else functions.

Harris is trying to catch up, sadly. Biden lacks in empathy and every other worthwhile sense. The disturbing lack of humanity began long before the traditional aging slide. The president’s not allowed on the swings.

Reviewing what the oldest president ever needs to be taught would be insulting to a kindergartener of average intelligence. There’s no real way to get stuff for free? Well, that’s sad but good to know before first grade.

A 59-year-old substitute just needs more time. Harris is continuing the legacy of maintaining ignorance. Fretting about Biden’s rather high quantity of birthdays as he still wanders around his government-provided housing disregards how he knew precisely nothing half a century ago. The biggest concern about his advanced age is never learning that his toxic notions poison. Harris only trails by accident of birth year. The technical president and the de facto replacement have always been steaming morons who’ve never improved, which is why the country isn’t, either.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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