Trump on Display

Anthony Bialy
4 min readOct 6, 2024


Trump cultists are rude. They think they’re being complimented. The fearless edginess that leads to mouthing off from a safe distance embodies everything they still believe despite seeing their dreamboat be not exactly a dreamy president. The most pathetic take on confrontation embodies what drew them to the life of taking charge vicariously in the first place.

The most pathetic imitation of success inspires the uninspired. Copying their savior is a total alpha move. The act of being in charge without ever doing anything like like leading no different than how he tells whatever audience he’s facing anything he thinks they want to hear.

The vicious streak not found in the toadies of any other awful idiot running for president is the wrong way to differentiate. Kamala enthusiasts are as sadly daft as their vapid preferred candidate. But they seem mostly clueless just like he is when he promises to forgive a lamp’s student loans. Taking pride in aggression is particularly tiresome amongst the limp. Like their hero, they create only misery. Not everyone pretending to be a leader is worth imitating.

Thinking of a pleasant thing to say about true Trumpian believers is as much of a struggle as listing his accomplishments. They can go first. Nastiness is second nature to fans of the first-place charlatan. If you’re sick of the chance of reducing debt getting commandeered by a raging clown show, take consolation in pondering how sad life has to be to consider the prototypical fake and truly hateful embodiment of negativity as a golden beacon. Lame insults are the only thing worse than nominating the same conman who utters them.

Embodying their idol is supposed to impress everyone else. Your incessant snickering just makes them scowl more. It’s hard to believe they actually believe him. A lifetime commitment to suckering led to as unfathomable an outcome as nominating the only human who could possibly lose to Kamala freaking Harris. It’s a loss if he wins, as he’d be setting up the next Democratic inflation specialist. But at least he’d get to spend another term announcing everyone who ever doubted him sucks.

The continually suspicious sure are fools. Incessant conspiracy theorists constantly searching for sinister machinations absorb every word of their savior as prophecy.

It’s a testament to the stubbornness of suckers that they can endure an entire term of his and still not see he’s the prototypical conman. Ponzi schemes still work. Sure, they don’t function in the sense of generating profits. But whoever starts can rip off whoever they get to enroll. Even business amateurs notice that nothing’s being created. Ignoring such trivialities is central to the Trump empire. A mouthy defender of Social Security respects the ultimate unstable pyramid.

The willingness to believe anything the person they’ve decided embodied them claims is one way to flaunt suspicion. A perfect inversion leads to being skeptical of unremarkable claims while believing the wall gets built on the start of the fifth year.

Reflexive negativity is the gift from sheer delights who are ticked at the world. You’d have better luck returning a Trump polo shirt at the Taj Mahal gift shop. Gifted orators can’t articulate why they fume, as that would involve using their words. Lashing out with resentment is political, all right.

Wallowing in resentment should create more happiness. Why is scowling not working? Regrettable specimens think dragging down others is the way upward. Refrain from informing them that they’ll never be happy, as watching them still crave is the sole consolation.

There’s one final tantrum pending, so stock up on ibuprofen now. Previous headaches were previews. Fans of behaving hoped the tantrum culminated on January 6 in what was the perfect summary of the Trump mentality. Waking up from a nightmare then trying to fall back asleep to have it again is how this world reminds you of its cruelty. There’s no chance to sleep through a surreal tour of deepest fears.

Pent-up rage isn’t typically considered a virtue. Yet it’s the first thing listed on their Bumble profiles. Cherishing negativity somehow became cool in these rather joyless times. They’re not even fun juvenile delinquent activities like smoking and success. Craving power without ever seeking accompanying morality shows what’s missing.

The lack of enthusiasm in some Trump voter is the closest we have to hope. Pragmatic calculators think he’s a better option than the incumbent. A few misguided Republicans might believe he’s a patriot who’s into constitutional fidelity, although that’s tough to believe after we already withstood one term of the precise opposite. And some people would vote for a flaming dumpster instead of Kamala, who as always isn’t helping. The quasi-incumbent’s run as the worst de facto president possible makes another Trump presidency plausible, which is an outcome so frightening to her that she could almost put it into words.

The only thing worse than treating the only other option as sucking slightly less is pretending it’s fantastic. Every Trump promise is based in acting like he was never president. It’s part of his commitment to reality. Believe everything a politician claims after he already spent a term chronically lying to show contempt for the system. You’ll never guess who refilled the swamp.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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