Unpleasant Vice
There’s not much to presently treasure, which makes each valued item more special. This White House emphasizes paucity’s virtue. Cherish small victories, like how things could be worse. For one, we could have a competently smart administration which would trick citizens into adoring government. Blessedly, Kamala Harris moronic even by vice presidential standards. Thank her for maintaining the status of the most irrelevant office.
Kamala serves as the perfect vice president for Joe Biden in her way. Listen to her explain why she’s an asset for comic relief. Her beloved hobby of trying to run out the clock is surely the sign of a towering intellect. Bart Simpson described what Libya is like without knowing as inspiration for our nation’s top underachiever.
The best case is casting her irksome compensations for struggling to think clearly as charming. A time-filling cackle while waiting for a coherent thought is as endearing as a Bud Light campaign. As for another beloved television character she shouldn’t imitate, there’s no seemingly improvised script like Michael Scott vainly trying to come up with something wise before the sentence’s end. This single-camera term has no laugh track.
The first in line is so undisciplined that she occasionally admits what she’s thinking, which is terrible for re-election prospects. Harris’s gaffes reveal her beliefs.
Particularly vicious suckers thought she was inspirational. It seemed that way right until she spoke. She can’t even fake charisma while delivering prepared lines Barack Obama-style. Anyone who heard the previous official Democratic president without a script at least grasps why his semipermanent struggling economy offered a preview of today’s ubiquitous malaise. The best case is sabotage.
The liberal quality of presuming what’s awesome in their minds will be so in practice works great except for events and people. Printing more cash to get rich is just going to take another couple pallets. Ruining what they announce they fix intersects with their creepy idolization of their figureheads. Harris was supposed to be their next savior, which is a lot of pressure for someone who can’t speak unsupervised. RBG is their Dylan.
Figuring everything they think will occur gets even worse when they patronize those they claim to help. Fight racism by treating disadvantaged groups as requiring special assistance for an extra ironic dose. Promoting on superficial characteristics shows affirmative action is negatively passive.
Promoting on complexion is how we illustrate tolerance in these supremely enlightened times. Looking for good candidates is regressive. Start seeing color to be tolerant. Check for gender, too, as long as you’re not a pronoun-hater who presumes it.
Finding good Democrats is a struggle from the start. That particular misguided faction is already handicapped by their regrettable ideas. One of those happens to be promoting based on perceptions of oppression regarding people they infuse with dignity by deeming helpless. Putting allegedly progressive beliefs into practice once again causes the harm adherents claim to heal. Harris shows what happens when her side gets her way. Man, they oversee lots of unfairness.
The only way to exacerbate a system rigged against success is to promote failures. Cruel Democrats setting up an emblematic dunce for failure, which in turn set back her precedent. Other women should despise her for lack of cerebral firepower even by the role’s rather low standards. An entirely capable gender’s members have to assure prospective employers that they won’t embarrass the company the way the Senate tiebreaker does.
There’s still a chance first good female vice president if you’d like to inspire the next generation. This isn’t even some right-wing creepy hashtag lunatic conspiracy: her superior explicitly stated her qualification was her gender. Biden announced he was choosing someone because she’s a she. The worst way to make this president look bad is to quote him.
To be fair, Harris is good at one job. An affair we wish we couldn’t remember flaunted a certain type of career skill. There’s no more horrible example for women than her accurately explaining how she got her start. She breezed to the top if we’re using synonyms. The professional expects praise for genitalia style while getting promoted for manipulating those of the other.
It’s quite a relief that only Republicans are nitwits unlike the Party of Biden. Dan Quayle was the dumb one, according to defenders of the all-time doltish present duty-filler. And Sarah Palin committed the crime of being a woman who didn’t agree with oh so objective journalists, which is why she had to be demonized as the stupidest monster of our time. By contrast, Harris functions as a media invention created by undercover journalistic flunkies who are just as gifted as she is.
Vice presidents should stay irrelevant. Biden remains the perfect example. There’s never been a better case against promoting members of a job category. The usual course should remain getting treated like an integral part of an administration during a campaign then given the tasks of a casino greeter during it.
The chief responsibility hopefully never comes into play the same way a paramedic’s shift is ideally dull. Observers try not to be ghoulish while remaining practical. Wish a happy and long retirement to a president who’s older than the Los Alamos Laboratory while remembering the one way to make the Biden administration worse would be him not being in it.