Unsafe Assumption

Anthony Bialy
4 min readApr 15, 2021

You can finally get to enjoying life when risk and choices are confiscated. Don’t feel guilty about happiness, as you have permission to experience smiling as long as it’s done to illustrate its limits. Removing autonomy is for your safety, just like your betters always claim. The only thing new is the excuse.

Panic about a virus is especially toxic considering those flailing think their hysteria is novel. Someone else decided for you that you’re not allowed to make decisions for yourself. Hand over those dangerous scissors.

The only way to make losing personal authority worse is if traitorous humans go along with it. Quislings aren’t limited to any time or place. The most pathetic examples of our species beg to have rights confiscated. Being told what to do is comforting in its way, according to tabs you better make sure are private.

When free will is the enemy of progress, being bossed is for our benefit. That airtight logic would be bad enough if they were willing to forfeit their own rights. But insisting on turning everyone else into automatons is the only way to progress, according to documentary video game Robotron 2084. You can spot adherents of of wholesale restrictions by how everything they believe is so amazing that it has to be made mandatory.

You were sweet enough to think some vaccination would be the end of contact mandates. Restrictions on life itself will continue well after China’s most effective weapon is defeated. Every crowd and lifted mask spurs a freakout that shows the unremovable virus is part of everyday now, or at least the reactions to it. Expect future flu seasons to be miserable for far more than stuffiness. Precedent is the worst when it’s set by panicky dumbasses.

Separating humans by executive order went fine as long as nobody checks results. This is liberalism we’re talking about, after all. Cutting out the middleman to get what big-government fetishists desire turns out to not create much benefit. The useless stooges at Vox begging for dictatorship will be so disappointed, but that’s company policy.

Those who’ve made a show of believing in science should note how heavy orders halted liberty and not disease. At least handcuffing humanity leaves some of its members feeling protected, which is to those of a certain mindset all that matters.

Dirty looks at anyone breathing unfettered in a supermarket are applauded by governors who have to be careful to not admit they’ve enjoyed the contagion. People attending movies are going to murder us all, at least if shrieking proves hypotheses.

Pinko Puritans hate others experiencing joy under the best circumstances. Punishing everyone under the guise of preserving everyone’s health is like shaming hedonists into spurning tasty food and tastier tobacco because their indulgences raise collective insurance costs. Oh: collectivist sickos do that, too.

Chanting we’re all in this together as a mantra plays right into their communal fetish. The same honorary East Germans who think the economy is cruel because individuals are allowed to prosper at will fail to grasp their mandatory sharing holds everyone back. Equality of outcomes isn’t the goal, if anyone forgot. But putting everyone’s cash in one box beats having to earn their own way. Those who’ve always claimed we should act as one being now get to claim humanity’s salubriousness relies on heeding diktats.

State executives created the perfect example of why circumventing legislatures causes agony. Trying to perfect life inadvertently showed why they suck at it. Aggravation is bad enough when laws go through the usual process before they muck up the lives of the formerly free. Bypassing a check that’s in place for good reason offers none of the advantages with all the drawbacks. Commands have worked out well otherwise. I could’ve told you governors were idiots before they overindulged in proof.

The eternal pandemic’s hardest part for Democrats has been pretending they don’t enjoy bossing around others. Handing back the power is going to make them sad people aren’t contagious anymore. We can’t accuse them of prolonging misery just to keep acting like de facto dictators only because their thoughts are the last thing that remain private.

Elected fiendish goons show precisely why our federal and state governments are filled with limits. The restrictions on them are so they can’t impose them on us. Remove safety barriers and watch them crash into the innocent.

You’ll die without them, calmly note shrieking governors who won’t stop ranting to dwindling doomsday cults. Of course, elected saviors have always thought their benevolent guidance was the only thing keeping benighted subjects alive. The sensation is simply more intense for about a rather miserable year.

Humanity’s health is the justification of every tyrant. Wannabe Mussolinis know just what will keep us intact. Elected de facto dictators seeking henchmen got exactly what they need, namely enough human drones begging to be told what to do.

Political executives sure enjoyed avoiding silly legal niceties when enacting commands. Decrees were for the benefit of ingrates who dare prefer making their own decisions based on weighing evidence, and we were too concerned with being ordered into poverty to thank our saviors. Cynical Constitution fans urge others to check results, but that seems suspicious. Trusting kindly leaders is how faith is rewarded.

Purported science fans should look up what it is first. The faithful claiming to cherish evidence as they accept every panic and preposterous restriction as incontrovertible. A psychological trick isn’t based in research.

Seeking comfort is as as understandable as it is hazardous. This stupid and awful world features constant peril, and not just from monsters under your bed that can’t wait to consume you for energy. The one way to make life worse is presuming an elected putz will shepherd you through the hazardous valley. The infection will remain long after illness vanishes.

