Verdict Rendered

Anthony Bialy
4 min readAug 24, 2023


Feel free to scoff at anyone pretending to accept everyone. These particular phonies are doing the same while claiming to do the precise opposite. Hypocrisy is just one more thing to mock.

Those who tend toward levelheadedness should absolutely be judgmental of rotten and/or delusional behavior. Treating indulgers in insanity as purveyors of ultimate truth has led to exactly the sort of decay they wouldn’t predict. We don’t even get fun dysfunction out of the deal like in John Waters movies. Preposterous corruptions of obvious truths make coping even more challenging. Being told the economy purrs as inflation outpaces price updates was practice.

Getting in your face ensures compliance. It’s not merely enough to tolerate the existence of grotesque notions: you’re expected to heartily endorse distortions as expressions of how accepting society is and you are personally. You don’t hate letting gender be defined by which naughty bits individuals possess, do you? Present frenzies are obviously in defiance of everything sensible, and proponents have chosen to compensate by trying to destroy anyone who uses grammatically accurate pronouns.

Thinking helping strugglers with mental illness is paramount will get you banished. Instead, you’ll be expected to applaud. Admitting to needing help is in vogue. An era for openness about struggles should include options for overcoming them. Getting help for those coping is a crucial next step. Confused people being lauded for claiming they’re not exactly what they are is the antithesis of assistance. Causing harm while making a show of ostensibly helping is this decade’s defining characteristic.

The refusal to concede gender isn’t a decision reaches its illogically logical conclusion when it comes to dudes setting records in sports whose leagues begin with a W. The Soviet approach to athletic dominance should horrify any alleged feminist who purports to care about the lovely gender. By contrast, today’s equality warriors adore women so much that they announce any man can become one.

Live and don’t let live. Wallowing in daftness does affect others. Advocates of communalizing everything should grasp the concept, but they only focus on spreading guilt and currency.

Succeeding at something awful shows the wrong kind of effectiveness, which we call the Washington standard. I hope creating a deranged society where delusions of smug tolerance lead to prey upon the confused was a goal, as doing so unintentionally would make results even more perverse. Sufferers of the twisted woke must additionally take on pretending to let others exist as wished.

Pretending damage isn’t the primary export resembles how abortion has casualties despite nonchalant disregard for sonograms. The sacred liberal sacrament involves another party who suffers, which shocks the self-professed empathetic and scientific.

Pious worshipers who treat abortion clinics as cathedrals won’t let people live without hassle when it comes to, say, buying insurance from a variety of competing sellers. But a man can now terminate a pregnancy. Supremely logical fans of stuffing Planned Parenthood dumpsters claimed all along that abortion would be accepted if fellows could get knocked up, and we’re told it’s now possible.

Innocent societal bystanders minding their own business endure another charming leftist offensive against reality that’s rather selective. Tolerance uncannily only applies to obeying woke nonsense about biology, history, English, and other school subjects deemed elitist. Liberty is never applied to, say, keeping what you earn or exercising the right to be prepared to engage in self-defense. If you’re not being bothered, how can liberals tell if they’re helping you?

The right to live as you wish has never been more warped. Forget personal autonomy, as the pushy mentality has now spilled over into actively bothering others. The victims are intended beneficiaries of assistance, which is the most Democratic outcome possible. Like people rendered poor in multiple senses by an invasive government getting handed entitlements from the same uncontrolled entity as a consolation prize, humans suffering from gender dysmorphia get encouraged to be more baffled by an oh so loving society.

A society that refuses to be judgmental on crime turns into a Batman movie. Ben Affleck isn’t going to save anyone. Live and let live doesn’t work when it infringes on others, which is the remedial lesson the ruling party refuses to learn. Sociopathic autocrats never realize others suffer, an occurrence which doesn’t just apply to taxing the stuffing out of the successful. Quasi-legal plunderers naturally ally themselves with more blatant pirates.

A fervent dedication to not punishing criminals only sounds like a theme from a Tom Wolfe novel. But a horrifying ideology has inflicted the sort of absurd woes seen in his nonfiction. Even worse, antagonists cause the effect.

The excuse of a sputtering economy is rich considering their scheme to create wealth by handing out as much cash as possible was step one. Virtuous types who don’t stuff pants with goods at Duane Reade are forced to pay even more on top of maniacal inflation. Unchecked shoplifting is another tax charged by oh so compassionate Democrats.

Sanctimony is the one way to exacerbate lunacy. Professional preeners spend entire existences demonizing anyone to Hoxha’s right before proclaiming thorough personal openness. Comparing people who want less debt to enthusiastic residents of Germany at its naughtiest is so common as to lose its shock value, which is almost a feat.

Phoniness merely makes unhinged contempt for assessing the behavior of others goofier. Judging the judgmental should feel natural. They started it, after all. You’d think they might appreciate obeying their precedent.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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