Verdict Rendered on Defendant Joe Biden
We’ll think today sucks a decade from now if the country survives that long. It’ll probably still be around in name even if it’s more like the United Welfare States. Credit the guy who doesn’t know what’s happening for all he doesn’t remember doing. Joe Biden’s legacy won’t be inflated, as it’s unlike money while someone else enforced his ideology. A time cushion is unnecessary. It’s safe to judge now that he can watch Woody Woodpecker every morning and not have it affect national security.
Pretending life is generally terrific is one way of coping with how awful it is. Life sucking is its primary feature, which is why those who exacerbate crummy conditions are particularly demonic. Buying less the more money they print is a devilish detail.
Who could like him? Respect for Biden even after his presidency’s nearly complete offers testament to how deluded humans can be. Democrats warp reality to the degree that they praise the nasty oaf who ruined their lives. I know they’re masochistic, but now they’re just parodying themselves.
The one worse thing than President Grampy’s rather advanced age is the awful ideology he’s had since being young. Ideas that had been discredited before he was born show that personal age is irrelevant to idiots. Accumulating wisdom doesn’t happen automatically like birthdays.
Youngsters who could figure out what he never has inspire by showing how it doesn’t take turning 80 or winning the presidency to figure out life. Sharp kindergarteners could be taught why printing money doesn’t make people rich. Biden remains a remedial student. Even if you’re in your ninth decade, don’t forget to keep your sense of wonder. He doesn’t have a choice.
The technical president is a statesman in the sense he’s a man from a state. It’s Delaware, in case anyone hasn’t heard. As for the most poetic sense, other world leaders are playing poker in the Oval Office while they’re assured of bluffing to victory. Liberals whose entire ideology is based on claiming awesome things happen as a result of their awful policies are sure their latest beloved presidential nitwit exudes dignity. Meanwhile, he forgot to tie his bathrobe shut.
Biden spent lifetime in government and is still awful at it. Like taking money from those who earned it so politicians can spend it to make the economy awesome, the next time is bound to work. We got all the bad tries out of the way, which means we made our own luck.
Imagine how badly he would’ve failed in the private sector to rue his lack of achievements. Companies beholden to customers embody everything he stands against. Biden’s only usefulness comes in showing why everything he believes and represents is steaming toxic radioactive trash, so at least he did one nice thing.
The lack of surprise doesn’t make agony less acute. Biden has been wrong about every issue over a half-century or so of selflessly getting rich while harming the country. A public servant who’s never served the public stood against American interests from American offices in a take on patriotism that’s at least novel.
Anyone remotely familiar with finances, humanity, and reality always knew how rotten his economic ideas were, and he proved everyone who noticed right when he got to pull every lever and press every button in the Oval Office. It might not have been a professional conman’s goal to weaken the nation if you’re feeling generous about assessing his motives, but that was the result either way.
An office-filler doesn’t need to have a productive or interesting life out of government. But the temp needs to care about more than grifting in order to achieve anything half-worthwhile. By contrast, there’s Biden. His consistently deplorable decisions show a sociopath who’s wholly lacking in empathy. This incomplete term has been helpful in illustrating why Democrats continually claim to be so compassionate, namely to overcompensate.
Perspective is going to make woe more acute. You’d think tough times seeming worse would be impossible, but this is the same president who thinks declaring a product is free means nobody has to pay. Aching doesn’t dissipate with policies this unfortunate. We can’t escape pain through the years going by, which is one of the few cures for life’s woes. Biden even ruined the spacetime continuum.
Time can change everything. That’s except for screwing up everything. Some presidents are popular for successes they have in office. Others make difficult decisions during tough times where the cushion of years allows for shines upon their legacies. Biden is going to be the unique leader who was awful at the time and will be seen as even worse. Creating something unprecedented is great as long as you don’t care about anything like context.
Doctor Biden’s husband made life unaffordable, which is a feat of sorts. A country created to allow free trade doesn’t have much of either of those things. Resilient Americans have learned how much infringement we can endure, so thank him for the test of strength even if he won’t remember.
Thinking about the dreadfulness from a future outlook helps get through the agony now. Tomorrow doesn’t interest those giving away money today. Biden declaring he’s started a decline that would keep him from being effective by early 2029 is the least worrisome thing about him dropping out. The problem is how clearly doltish he was when he won.