War on Sense

Anthony Bialy
4 min readDec 18, 2023


Learning why people don’t get along and how they get by are two crucial behavioral aspects to grasp, which is why liberals struggle with both. They don’t understand war or the economy. It’s nice to be predictable. But downsides can outweigh benefits of knowing what’s to come, as seen when conflict races for destitution to become the year’s top theme. The winner doesn’t matter when humanity’s doomed to lose.

It’s bad to fight and be poor. I think we’ve reached common ground. Figuring how to stop those things seems to constitute a decent cause. War’s self-professed biggest enemies think they’re the first and only humans to grasp the notion, which is especially daft considering their axis makes the possibility of rampant military maneuvering far likelier.

Accusing the attacked party of committing genocide would spur head-shaking laughter if not for the corpse count. The showiest defenders of the downtrodden side against a country minding its own business that was attacked without cause. But at least they possess no understanding of collateral damage in pursuit of a righteous cause. Today’s liberals would’ve demanded caution while invading Normandy.

You’d think professed opponents of bad things would pursue policies that would constrain meagerness and combat. But realizing they cause what they decry isn’t going to stop professional preeners. Their very non-self-righteous statements against things being bad merely seem even sillier.

Nobody enjoys conflict, we tell ourselves between UFC bouts. Yet there might be a legitimate reason to fight another party aside from wagering. Invaders who murdered all the babies they could find are begging you to fight back. Hamas villainy is biblical-level, which is fitting in its way. Don’t credit their diabolical nature. Their twisted allies are too focused on shrieking that Israel somehow stole land that’s been theirs since history’s start. Or maybe they thought Hamas was engaged in the right to choose.

Weakness in the face of wickedness is supposed to convince the latter they’re being so uncool. But they double down. You’re supposed to be impressed by their commitment to their idiotic cause. Hellions thriving is the one thing more constant in the 2020s than money being worthless.

There’s good news if you seek evidence of bad news. That’s the closest to optimism you’ll find. Fleeing from brutes is a common habit worldwide. Enablers tell us their charity cases are oppressed both in American cities and around a rather chaotically depressing globe. Reflexively thinking miscreants are underdogs worth supporting leads to the wrong kind of consistency. Participants blame law enforcement for violations as ardently as they do a republic hunting down marauders who committed a sin a bit worse than not paying admission while crashing a music festival.

Unchecked class warfare warriors have moved past simple demanding for disarming, which was at least charming in naïveté. Cheering for villains isn’t just for professional wrestling enthusiasts who cathartically cope with fantasies about being naughty by buying Ric Flair action figures. The reality isn’t faked, unlike all-time disgusting claims terror enthusiasts make about Israel resembling the Third Reich. Residents under the care of Hamas sure seem unhealthy for a place with more hospitals than American cities have Starbucks.

Pretending they’re on the side of the underprivileged leads to attacks against those who truly are. Irony doesn’t heal wounds. Hamas fiends attacking then hiding behind the innocent is curious behavior for a group allegedly fighting for the freedom of the downtrodden. Creating more people suffering doesn’t count. Excuses for attacking Israel are only partly about the most anciently abominable prejudice. One side having less surely happens because they were exploited and not because they rely on entitlements. Gaza is a Blue State.

There just needs to be a bit more seizing in order for everyone to profit, so don’t lose faith now. Taking money in order to make people richer doesn’t exactly appear to be self-sustaining. But that’s only because you’ve been brainwashed by manipulative amalgamations into thinking you have to exchange something to get something.

Money must be supervised. It could end up in the wrong hands. You see, seized funds are reassigned to the correct recipients, which is to say those who cruel corporate titans decided didn’t deserve it. Handouts seem even paltrier after the gangster takes his vig. Politicians don’t resemble mobsters in that they’re unable to preserve law and order.

Enemies of having war and not having money have gotten their way. The world is coincidentally broke in multiple senses under Joe Biden’s grandfatherly guidance. Acting as if everything was busted when they arrived is yet one more way liberals dodge consequences. Taping together glass they smashed is not as charmingly artistic as advertised on Etsy. Warmongers and profiteers are used to being blamed even though profiting has been a clear challenge since January 2021 while mongering war just happened to simultaneously spike.

Enthusiastic helpers might want to stop. Claiming to help while making life worse is a tradition as long and shameful as anti-Semitism. There’s a reason statist beliefs must be mandated. Conflict and penury that results from policies supposedly engineered to avoid them adds to already unhealthy levels of cognitive dissonance. Trying to keep themselves in business makes it tough for legitimate operations. Liberals love nothing more than to express outrage. As a result, nothing worthwhile moves quickly.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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