Your Side on Top
Allies are appreciated more when they’re difficult to find. We may as well accept consolation prizes provided by this rather miserable existence. Learning who’s on your side is the only upside in a world filled with downsides. The sanely decent seek others who despise lunacy as much as you do. Looking for similarly logical perspective is as close as we get to experiencing comfort. Put it in your Bumble profile.
A chance to self-identify is embraced by imbeciles. Ghastly humans posting their horrid ideas publicly shows how they only help inadvertently. Friends of fiends want as many others to see their allegiance as possible, which works out for the virtuous, too. There’s a rather easy choice between good and evil involving who’s resisting marauders against life itself. Learn what Israel’s enemies are doing by hearing when its enemies falsely accuse it of doing.
Outrage about pursuing terrorists is how immoral people flaunt how moral they are. Preeners about the allegedly underprivileged never seem to quite muster an equal amount of outrage about same terrorists initiating wars on civilization. You might think that sound precisely screwed up, and you might be correct.
The chance to flaunt identity works for evil idiots, too. In a perfect world, everyone would be sensible. In this far from perfect world, your enemies are ideally as dim as they are unpleasant. The upright can only be glad that slouchers take the counterpoint.
We didn’t think spend September thinking we’d be encountering excuses for baby-decapitators. But general awfulness being unnervingly popular is a permanent trend even if the specifics are unpredictable. Hamas Decoder Ring-wearers qualify their support by noting that it’s of course awful to slaughter concert attendees before explaining why phantom genocidal oppression in Gaza vindicates it.
Shrugging away lousy behavior due to crummy circumstances is what liberalism is. Brand salespeople have to make up reasons why their beloved downtrodden fire rockets at civilians without even using a protractor to aim.
Colonial oppression is an all-time classic fake absolution for real atrocities. Sure, Israel has what we could go ahead and call a historical claim on its land, on top of how nobody wanted it until they got it. Jealousy fuels lots of other unpleasant emotions, as seen by how crummily the vicinity’s sole republic gets treated by medieval haters paired residents of advanced societies who find primitive hellholes authentically quaint.
Noticing that they have is the only nice neighborhood in the area enrages those with refrigerators on their lawns. As with all class warfare, anyone who succeeds must be torn down because they make failures jealous. Democratic envious tax policy is reflected in contempt for the thriving country Israel built out of nothing. Liberals claim whoever lucks into having resources gets unearned wealth, and the one place in the Middle East with no oil goes ahead and discredits them.
Liberals cause much of the rottenness they use to condone anger about what works in their self-sustaining way. They think that’s how businesses keep going. Crime spiking after decriminalizing it prompts stores to close in what’s used as evidence that free markets don’t work. Internationally, the purportedly victimized find pals who lie about Israel stealing their snippet of land to condone a pillaging of it. We’ve seen how they’d run things if they got their way, which is the millionth reason to cheer against the new Axis.
There’s no good news right now, but it’s at least heartening to learn who’s defending both truth and the innocent from fiends and those lying on their behalf.
Knowing someone else is aware of how much life sucks is the most assuagement available. Blues music is based on the catharsis of knowing others suffer like you do. Here are 12 bars that capture a woeful experience you fretted only happened to you.
Short of a large percentage of humans suddenly gaining wisdom and nobility, those suffering through the normalization of awfulness just want someone who grasps that this dimension is packed with aberrant dolts.
Knowing it’s much of the rest of the world that’s insane and not you is the service rendered by the handful of other steadfast operatives in the field. Supports of good guys search for an outlook that differs from the warped take spewed by the sort of sanctimony junkies who think Israel is the terrorist for fighting terrorism.
Life could use referees. It’s a relief to find others who know the rules. Welcomed perspective leads to social media’s greatest value, namely finding others who think Jon Stewart is a sanctimonious twerp. During wartime, a counter to the perfectly perverse narrative that responding to the unprovoked invasion is the war crime affords small yet valuable reassurance.
A war with sides obvious enough for a Marvel movie offers test of character that a sadly and unsurprisingly high percentage of people failed. Participants don’t exactly have to enter harm’s way. But noting besieged Israelis who face an assault on life and righteousness deserve backing is apparently too much for alleged sophisticates who reflexively crave an excuse for political-based carnage.
As for woke preeners who claimed they’d punch Nazis, it turns out they think “punch” means “hug”. That’s surely the only word whose definition prompts struggles for them. They mean people moving from New York to Florida, not executors of Jews. Attempting to justify savagery should result in exclusion from polite society. In our rather impolite one, know that others notice the rudeness.